Friday, 9 December 2016

The Snazzies: Shot 8/9/10 Complete

Hey Catherine,

I said I would be here with an update and here I am shots 8 and 9 with 10 (the interface slide). This took a bit of time to make theres lots of individual animation going on and then there's making sure things don't intersect or confuse. The sound was also needed hence the extra ($10.00) I will keep you apprised of every purchase. I have also put a place holder so you know that shot 11 will come right after and what dialogue that section will be.

Snazzies Kickstarter Shot 8/9/10 from Free Fall Interactive on Vimeo.

There were lots of soundtracks for a very futuristic style HUD but that didn't feel right for this animation. This world shouldn't be overly technological it should be wacky like a 3D cartoon. You will also notice what I was talking about when I said that the screen wasn't fully covering the shot. How that camera zooms when it goes into the TV is how far I see it going... We don't want to give the impression we have moved into "Saggy world".

Anyway I hope you like it! (password is in email)


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